What is Kosher

What is kosher?

Talia’s prides itself as being a part of the Glatt Kosher restaurant community of New York City. However, not many people outside of the Jewish community understand what “kosher” implies. Many mistakenly believe the food is simply blessed by a Rabbi and is *poof* kosher! However, this is nonsense, or, as some might like to call it, “bubbameisahs.”

By Torah law, a kosher animal has to have certain defining physical features. It needs to have cloven hooves and be able to chew its cud in order to be considered a kosher animal. A pig has split hooves, but doesn’t chew its cud, and is therefore a non-kosher animal. Fish need to have fins and removable scales.

The word “kosher” means “pure.” The animal is slaughtered as humanely as possible, as it must be an instant death without any suffering. Then, the animal is thoroughly checked to make sure it is pure and without any blemish. The meat is then salted to remove the blood.

Among one of the major Jewish dietary laws is the prohibition of eating meat and dairy together. Not only that, but it is also required to wait a certain amount of time between meat and dairy meals.

We at Talia’s are proud of our Jewish heritage. We offer Friday night Shabbat meals every week in support of our Jewish community. In addition, we love serving kosher food to people who may not be familiar with the concept. At the end of the day, Talia’s is simply a restaurant that wants to serve anyone looking for delicious food.